Advanced Lawn Solutions is taking Bermuda control to the next level this year. We have teamed up with our suppliers to bring the most innovative Bermuda control methods to Middle Tennessee.

In the past, your only option to fight unsightly patches of Bermuda grass growing was to kill the area with a round up product and re-seed every fall. But with new technology, Advanced Lawn Solutions can start selectively eliminating the bermuda as soon as it starts to thrive and slowly eliminate it over the course of summer with little to no damage to the desired turf. Call Advanced Lawn Solutions today to find out about pricing options.

Advanced Lawn Solutions is now using an exciting new herbicide to control some of the toughest turfgrass weeds. Pylex™ herbicide, which contains the active ingredient topramezone, successfully controls otherwise-hard-to-control weeds including Bermudagrass, goosegrass, crabgrass, nimblewill, white clover and speedwell.

Keeping Bermudagrass out of fescue turf is a key issue for a lot of our customers. Research shows that Pylex herbicide provides more effective Bermudagrass control than other available products, and we’ve seen several successful applications for our clients.

Pylex herbicide is perfect for most cool-season grasses, including Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, fine fescue and perennial ryegrass. Warm-season turfgrass can be sensitive to the product, except for centipedegrass, which is tolerant. We’ve also seen excellent seeding flexibility with Pylex herbicide, by allowing seeding to occur any time at or after the time of application.

After it’s applied, Pylex herbicide is absorbed by leaves, roots and shoots and works by affecting photosynthesis in the plant, resulting in bleaching of target weeds.