Last summer’s drought conditions wreaked a lot of havoc on our plants and trees. While some plants began to show these signs immediately, other plants such as evergreens and conifers are just now showing signs of damage. Most evergreens such as Leland cypress, thuga green arborvitae, and big greens are highly susceptible to either really wet conditions or really dry conditions.  2019 was full of both. 

The problem we run into while treating and diagnosing an evergreen is they store so many nutrients in the foliage they can stay green for months even when the root system is completely compromised.  For example: Live Christmas trees are cut off at the base, wrapped, delivered and sold in mid October. When we throw them out in January following our holidays they are still green. The trees in our landscapes are the same way.  I’ve seen several in the same condition that have possibly been dead for months but are just now showing the signs.

Other popular trees such as red maples and pin oaks are now considered “dud” plants.  Many agriculture professionals recommend not using in landscape because of many infectious diseases that are shortening the lifespan of these specimens. When choosing plants for your landscape, it is important to consider how last year’s conditions may be affecting your options. As landscape professionals, we can help you weigh your options and choose plants and trees that will stand the test of time and give you the beauty you seek season after season. 

If you have questions about landscape or are wishing to change up your landscaping this year, contact one of our professionals today to schedule an appointment! We have the knowledge and expertise to help you make the most of your landscaping in 2020. Contact us today!


Click here to read about Plants for Poorly Drained Soil.

Click here to read about Screening Plants for Tennessee Landscapes.