This time of year our yards can become infested with fleas and ticks. Not only are they a nuisance, but they can be a serious health risk.
• In the U.S., ticks spread more disease than any other pest
• Ticks are most active in warmer months (April-October)
• No vaccines currently protect against tick-borne diseases
• 43% of adults report that they or someone they know have been bitten by a tick
Advanced Lawn Solutions can treat your lawn, landscape and mulched areas to help keep tick and flea populations down. From a 1x pest treatment to a full 8x lawn care program (which includes insect suppression ONLY on the turf areas)–we work with you to get your lawn perfect.
Suppressing fleas and ticks in the landscape, mulch beds and turf grass will make your summer more enjoyable—and safe.
Don’t let unwanted pests keep you out of your yard this summer.
Call today!