All Fescue seed is not the same. We look for Turf Density, Disease Resistance and overall Heat Tolerance. All of the seed we use is from the current year and 99.9% pure, giving our lawns only the best possible germination rate as well as the best possible stand without the risk of unwanted growth. When you think about turf grass as a building tool for your lawn, you only want to use the best for our area which is traditionally more expensive. However, the results from these varieties far supersede the general 3 way fescue in all attributes. We guarantee all of our Over-seeding services!

Transition Zone Seed Varieties

Turf-Type Tall FescueCool Season: Seed or Sod

We choose to use a variety that has superior heat tolerance and disease resistance. Annual seeding will be required after hot and dry summers.

Hybrid BluegrassCool Season: Seed or Sod

Genetically engineered with superior heat tolerance and disease resistance. Once established and properly fed, the rootsystem will generate itself annually.

Perennial RyegrassCool Season: Seed or Sod

Perfect for overseeding through a warm season lawn during the winter months for added color. Typically will start to die off during the following summer

Bermuda GrassWarm Season: Seed or Sod

Hybrid Bermuda Grass has great regenerative abilities and low growing leaves. Common on sports fields and has a 4-5 month winter dormancy period.

Zoysia GrassWarm Season: Seed or Sod

One of the best warm season varieties to grow in Middle Tennessee. Usually Meyer or Empire varieties. Slower regenerative capability than Bermuda but longer, thicker leaves resulting in a “carpet-like” feel.