Having an irrigation system is vital to the health and wellbeing of your lawn. Proper irrigation ensures the distribution of moisture to key zones of the lawn and landscape during spring, summer, and fall. However, when the leaves have fallen and the cold weather has set in, it is important to prepare your irrigation system for the winter.
Your irrigation system’s control box can be reprogrammed for each season’s weather conditions. In the fall and winter we provide complete system shut downs to prevent freezing. The key component to an irrigation system is water, and just like frozen water can damage the plumbing in your home, it can damage the underground piping in your irrigation system.
To get your irrigation system winter-ready we go through a series of important steps. First, we blow out the system with compressed air to ensure no water remains in the lines. Once the water is gone, we remove the backflow device and store it in our heated facility through the winter to prevent any damage from freezing temperatures. As our last step, we deactivate the irrigation controller which tells the system when and how long to water your lawn.
In order to maintain the life of your irrigation system, we suggest a complete shut down before the first frost. In Tennessee we usually experience our first frost of the season near the end of October. However, we recommend shutting down your irrigation system sooner rather than later because, as we all know, Tennessee weather is unpredictable.
At Advanced Lawn Solutions, we offer two annual maintenance service plans to prepare your irrigation system for changing weather. Our silver maintenance service consists of two semi-annual service calls, including a spring startup, and a fall/winter shut down. If you require irrigation system maintenance at the start of every season, however, we also provide four seasonal service calls with our gold maintenance service.
Have questions about our annual maintenance service plans? Visit our irrigation services page here to learn more: https://advancedlawnsolutions.com/irrigation-system/ .